APT Systems 10-Q and 10-K Filings
View our Form 10-Q and Form
10-K filings in an interactive data format — the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). Learn more about XBRL, or download our filings below
In order to read our interactive data filings, you will need an XBRL viewer such as the viewer provided by the SEC at www.SEC.gov.
10-Q APTY - 1st Quarter 2015-16
10-K APTY - Year Ending January 31, 2015
10-Q APTY - 3rd Quarter 2014-15
10-Q APTY - 2nd Quarter 2014-15
10-Q APTY - 1st Quarter 2014-15
10-K APTY - Year Ending January 31, 2014
10-Q APTY - 3rd Quarter 2013-14
10-Q APTY - 2nd Quarter 2013-14
10-Q APTY - Amendment (Filed on 8.2.2013)
10-Q APTY - 1st Quarter 2013-14
10-K Amendment (Filed on 1.31.2013)
10-K APTY - Year Ending January 31, 2013
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