View our Form 10-Q and Form 10-K filings in an interactive data format — the eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL). Learn more about XBRL, or download our filings below:

In order to read our interactive data filings, you will need an XBRL viewer such as the viewer provided by the SEC at

10-Q APTY - 1st Quarter 2017-18

10-K APTY - Year Ending January 31, 2017

10-Q APTY - 3rd Quarter 2016-17

10-Q APTY - 2nd Quarter 2016-17

10-Q APTY - 1st Quarter 2016-17

10-K APTY - Year Ending January 31, 2016

10-Q APTY - 3rd Quarter 2015-16

10-Q APTY - 2nd Quarter 2015-16

10-Q APTY - 1st Quarter 2015-16

10-K APTY - Year Ending January 31, 2015

10-Q APTY - 3rd Quarter 2014-15

10-Q APTY - 2nd Quarter 2014-15

10-Q APTY - 1st Quarter 2014-15

10-K APTY - Year Ending January 31, 2014

10-Q APTY - 3rd Quarter 2013-14

10-Q APTY - 2nd Quarter 2013-14

10-Q APTY - 1st Quarter 2013-14

10-K APTY - Year Ending January 31, 2013

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